Why do you focus so much on the concept of generations here and in your work?  It seems such an unlikely pairing with realty management and development.

This question requires that much of this practice be explained.  Reading this website in its entirety should help you.  Since the blog is private, there is not a terribly large amount of text to read for the new arrival.  However, you are here so it makes sense to address it sufficiently enough that this page will stand on its own.  It also helps us if we take down other sections during the time that you are here.  Finally, websites require people to jump around too much and not focus.  The return to orderly in depth reading is a trend.

Over the years the founder had a curiosity regarding the relationships between the generations and how generational attitudes were formed.  His generation matured and came of age in the shadow of a very powerful, numerous and influential generation.  While this powerful generation was actively shaping the world, his would react to the world and become adaptive.  Concurrently, society was entering a golden age of subscription based media and the power generation produced pundits and controlled the debate.  Additionally the power generation was experimenting as much as it was shaping policy.  This interaction of active and reactive generations has an element of repeat in history.  The reactive generation is in a unique position in that it can see results that the active generation is too distracted by their idealism to notice.  This allows the reactive generation to see what the world will be for the generation that will follow theirs.  The testing is done on the reactive; the millennials are the final product in our time.  This is such a powerful concept that it must be understood before reading further.

Most times there is a desire to do better for the subsequent generation even if subsequent generations do not see it that way.  There is an amusing dynamic that always takes place when an idealistic powerful generation described above focuses on improving the shortcomings of a reactive generation and at times enlists their participation.  Whatever rules, disciplines, regulations and beliefs are externally placed on society to better control or otherwise civilize the generation that is not living up to the standards of the power generation of the time are really unnecessary once the next generation comes to power and their children are maturing and coming of age.  They do not need to be controlled as they do it for themselves.  A good example would be the severe issues with automobile driving habits in the latter quarter of the twentieth century.  Currently, all sorts of regulatory crackdowns are reaching a crescendo after decades of screaming public debate and other vitriol.  The problem is going away on its own as the millennials come of age and illustrate their civic attitudes and other mannerly behavior.  Most external controls imposed on human behavior in this model become unnecessary as soon as they are achieved.  They were never necessary but in the process that shapes a society.  The kind of society that debates certain things and raises children a certain way shapes those children without realizing it.  This certain way can be protecting, praising, whatever.  The actual constructive acts such as regulatory controls are more egocentric aspirational than functional.  This is why that in between generation, known as generation X, becomes a moderating force since it lived through the experience of detached power generation leaders detached by their idealistic pursuits.  The children of generation X and the tail-end of generation X experienced more functional hands-on leadership.

It does not matter what it is today or five or ten years ago that is being discussed, directed at, experienced or debated concerning the millennials generation.  This all seems like a repeat to generation X.  It is a midlife validation for them when they remember that no one would acknowledge their experiences least of all address them.  Some of this generation developed resentments, others curiosity.  The reason for this is that generation X experienced a power generation in a highly narcissistic stage constructing not only their own desired image of themselves but of society.  This limited their ability to see the experiences of others in a lesser status position.  If one looks closely now, there is a greater focus on what the new generations are experiencing today.  Here is an example and there are many others that can be used.  Academic dishonesty is being discussed openly and nonjudgmentally as a situation that students must live in and participate in due to unrealistic demands.  This whole debate started as the millennial generation entered secondary and high school in mass approximately two decades ago.  Real solutions are being proposed and changes are being made.  The previous generation had two options, cheat and not get caught or have lower grades.  In the case of the former, getting caught almost always garnered penalty since the idealistic power generation had to keep up appearances in their higher vision not deal with functional problems.  See the difference.  In addition we now get to experience a generation that will enter its power phase with a significant portion of its members who believe in not getting caught as the operative value.  This is who will get a shot at managing your world, finances, health, institutions, delivering the news, educating your children; are you troubled yet?

I am reminded of a line from Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," where the monster says:

"I am thy creature: I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed."

A discussion of the scene where the above quote originates: Feeling rage and contempt for the creature, Victor says he could "close with him in mortal combat."  Convinced that they should settle this feud between them amicably, Victor follows the creature to a small hut where they pass an entire afternoon together in conversation. The monster is not what one would expect. Not only is he eloquent and educated, he speaks of being loved and wanting love. And Victor, at this point, is the opposite in that he can only think of hatred for the monster.

Notice the word rage in the above paragraph.  Narcissists do not feel guilt, only rage like a little child not getting what it wants.  Narcissists raise amoral generations.

More to come . . .